Sunday, October 21, 2018

Too Clever By Half - How Vision and Now NPA were defeated by smart voters

More than ten years after this blog was put on indefinite suspension, I feel the irresistible need to begin again.

The telling of this tale will involve exposing the ugly underbelly of developer driven municipal politics, but should also should give us all hope that the Vancouver electorate is capable of intelligent thoughtful decision making in rejecting business as usual. Both the fake left party Vision Vancouver and the fake non-partisan party NPA thought that they could vote split and triangulate their way into saving their power, and the Vancouver electorate saw right through their games.
The by-election of 2017 and the municipal election of 2018 are excellent examples of the power structure being defeated by smart voters making smart choices.

In 2010 I moved back to my beloved home country of Canada, and settled in a city that was new to me... Vancouver.

The telling of the many adventures I have had in this last decade will have to wait... for now I must put down my thoughts on a municipal political elite that has become far too clever by half.

To tell this story, I must go back in time to the by-election of 2017.

In the lead up to this election, it was clear that Vision Vancouver was in trouble.

The municipal political juggernaut of the last ten years, Vision had dominated the mayor-ship and city council since Robertson first won in 2008.

OK, lets go back in time a bit more. We need to know where Vision came from, and why they got into so much trouble. Here is a bit more historical context...

Vision Vancouver broke off from the REAL progressive municipal party - COPE - in 2002. The Coalition of Progressive Electors had just won an enormous victory. Larry Campbell had defeated his NPA opponent by nearly 2 to 1. Vancouver seemed well on its was towards an independent progressive council that would guide it through the beginning of the new turbulent century.

Who did they defeat in 2002?

The NPA - Non-Partisan Association - had never made any bones about its alliance with big developers. Excessive and unnecessary tower projects that largely destroyed Vancouver as a livable city in False Creek, Yale Town, and the West End were all begun under the previous decades of NPA rule. The NPA had non-partisan in its name, but unlike TEAM in the decades before who had actually fought for a livable Vancouver and honestly attempted to be non-partisan - the NPA was a developer driven party from start to finish.

Then came COPE in 2002. Despite completely dominating city council and electing a massively popular new mayor, the honeymoon did not last long. Infighting started almost immediately within this new council.

In 2004, Larry Campbell and Councillors Jim Green, Raymond Louie and Tim Stevenson made their deal with the devil. This group quickly became known as "COPE-lite" and made deal after deal with other developer friendly Councillors to push through massive tower development and the destruction of Vancouver that we see today.
In the end, Larry Campbell oversaw the towering unaffordable edifice constructed on the grounds of the old Woodwards complex which is now universally viewed as a failed opportunity at urban renewal. Instead it became a massive edifice of force-able neighbourhood cleansing. Vision Vancouver would make big business out of this kind of forced relocation of the poor.

Vision Vancouver WAS COPE-lite.

Vision Vancouver never was a real party of the left.

They would have to wait a full election cycle before gaining power back from NPA, and in doing so they created the future that COPE was created to prevent - the wholesale giveaway of Vancouver land to anyone with a backhoe to build tower after tower after tower of unaffordable properties., and to displace as many low income people as they could in the drive to create more homeless residents.

Although Robertson's singular campaign promise of 2008 was "ending homelessness", Vision did nothing to build affordable housing, did nothing to alter or increase services for homeless people, did nothing to curb the avarice of condo developers but instead continued to green light any development plan anywhere in the city with no requirements for affordability.

Robertson was a elected again in 2011 in a rout against Susan Anton from the NPA. Why would developers risk giving their money to the NPA when they had a perfectly positioned fake left party that was going to give them all the keys to the kingdom anyway?

Vision somehow maintained its position as the only choice on the left by extremely effective and Machiavellian green washing. Bike lanes and posturing against pipelines became a proxy for real progressive values.
It was OK to displace poor renters. It was OK destroy neighbourhood after neighbourhood as long as Gregor was pro-bike and against global warming.

Vision Vancouver thought that this would fool all of the people all of the time, and so did their big corporate donors.
Tides Canada - a "non-profit" with ties to big American eco-business interests created Gregor out of whole cloth as a champion of green washing, and they got exactly what they wanted. All their developer buddies flooded in to gut this beautiful city and build this most unaffordable playground for the wealthy.

Gregor coasted and coasted - for ten years - offering only the bare minimum of lip service to progressive issues until finally, BC politics was changed forever by the election of the NDP in the spring of 2017.
Shortly after being elected, the NDP, with the help of their Green partners, enacted a piece of singular legislation that banned both corporate and union donations in BC elections.

This meant that developers could no longer call the shots so blatantly as they had in the past.

If you think I am over exaggerating the impact of these donations, just look at Visions public donation list from the years between 2008 and 2017. It speaks like a who's who of the architects of Vancouver's affordability crisis.

Again, you might think that I have a jaundice view, perhaps an overly cynical view of the past. Believe me, I have direct face to face experience with the Vision municipal juggernaut. I saw how individual CoV planners were ordered to ignore community input. At the same time, any developer could get any meeting with any city official for any reason. I am a veteran of one of the "community plans" that Vision Vancouver faked over the years and I know for a fact that they listened to precisely no one that wasn't filling their pockets.

Fast forward to the municipal by-election of October 2017.

This was one of the first major elections after the new BC election law and would be a critical test for the ruling juggernaut under these new conditions.

Vision put up a young new candidate Diego Cardona. He checked all the cynical boxes. He was young, he was an immigrant, he was progressive. How could he lose in lefty lefty Vancouver?
He also had the full weight of the Vision machine behind him.

The trouble was, the Vision machine no longer had their corporate developer donations to keep them afloat.
The trouble was that the people of Vancouver had ten years to learn that Vision had no intention of creating a livable city. They were laughing all the way to the bank and the voters smelled it.

Then, knowing they were in trouble... They tried to be too clever by half.

They were most afraid of a move from the left. If voters found out that there was an alternative on the left that would actually do something, then they knew they were toast.

Jean Swanson was a big favorite to win the open seat in this by-election.
She had a 40 year career fighting for causes in the downtown eastside (DTES) of Vancouver and now was one of the city's most outspoken and famous housing advocates.

For a city in the middle of a massive housing crisis, she was a natural choice.

In order to combat this, Vision launched and supported their own independent housing advocate to bleed away votes from Swanson.
Judy Graves, a municipal employee for years that oversaw Vision's failed homeless policy, was funded and supported and pushed to run by all the old Visionistas.

This was their plan...

Swanson and Graves would split the independent housing advocate vote, and Vision would triumph up the middle with their new star Diego.

Instead, NPA candidate Hector Bremner barely won over Jean Swanson with 27% versus 21% of the vote.

But for Vision's transparent antics, Swanson would have won this council seat handily.

Too Clever By Half.

Vision candidate Diego Cardona barely cracked the top 5 with 11% of the vote.

Vision had died as a political party, and they knew it.

Without their corporate donors they had no hope of an election victory in this traditionally left of centre city.

Too Clever By Half doesn't work.

Too Clever By Half will always turn off the smart voter.

Last night's municipal election was a prime example of NPA trying exactly the same tactics.

The most accurate pre-election polls showed NDP candidate Kennedy Stewart with 30-40% of the vote, NPA Ken Sim with around 20%, and Shauna Sylvester with around 10-15%.

Essentially, after Vision candidate Ian Campbell withdrew from the race in early September, the last of the moderate left had nowhere to go. Most of them chose Kennedy Stewart.

Now, lets look at NPA being too clever by half...

Shauna Sylvester is MORE left than Kennedy Stewart. No doubt about it. She criticized him for not going far enough in creating more social housing, and was clearly running a campaign to outflank him on the left.

So why did she get so much vocal NPA support?

That's right, you read this right... vocal NPA support.

Peter Ladner, mayor candidate for NPA in 2008 was at her victory party.
George Affleck (NPA councillor) kept singing her praises during the all day new coverage of the election.

Come on guys.  Do you really think the voters are that stupid?

Do you really think that the NPA which is diametrically opposed to Sylvester's policies would actually support such a candidate?

The more likely answer and much more sad and cynical is that the NPA realized that the only way they had a hope of winning was if the majority left vote was split between Sylvester and Stewart.

Too Clever By Half, NPA, Too Cleaver By Half.

Last night Kennedy Stewart narrowly won the 2018 Vancouver municipal election against an otherwise uninspiring and unpopular Ken Sim of the NPA.

If you add up the progressive left of centre votes in just the top three candidates, they beat the centre right by a mile.

The NPA needs to learn what Vision learned in the last by-election.

The voters of Vancouver are not so easily fooled.

Peter Ladner never supported Sylvester. Peter Ladner was sent in like a trojan horse by the NPA establishment to try and convince gullible voters that Sylvester had non-partisan appeal to bleed just enough votes away from Kennedy Stewart to allow a Ken Sim minority victory.

Too Clever By Half.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Pennsylvania puts Obama over the top

Obama can now achieve the needed 2024 delegate total and the race can end!!!
This is not possible for Clinton, and may not be for her even at the end of the race.

For those that are not number-delegate-nerds, I'll go through it.

Pledged delegate score is now:

Obama = 1494
Clinton = 1334

(give or take a few...)

Given that Obama also has at least 230 super delegates that have promised to vote for him, this puts his total delegates at over 1724.

Assuming that the remaining 'unclaimed' super delegates want to end the race (hint hint), they can now put Obama over the top without changing the vote of any of the super delegates that have pledged to Clinton.

There are about 305 or so super delegates that have not come out and supported either Obama or Clinton. This is enough to put him over the top and end the contest.

Why don't they move?

Obviously they are not interested in saving the Democratic Party.

Obviously they are not interested in defeating John McCain in the fall.

This should be the focus of the internal debate within Democratic circles.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

More Magic Numbers for Obama

Just to continue the delegate battle debate, there are a few other magic numbers that we should consider as the race continues.

From a previous post, we repeat the first two, in order of difficulty:

1) 2024 pledged delegates - the number required to prevent superdelegates from overturning the win.

2) 1627 pledged delegates - the number required to prevent superdelegates from overturning the democratic results. This number will likely be achieved by the Obama campaign after Puerto Rico.

Now, there are a few more magic numbers that are important, assuming that we take the numbers of superdelegates from both campaigns as a starting point. This gives us Clinton with 242, and Obama with 210. Now, assuming that these delegates are solid, and this will become more true as the race progresses and gets more heated, we get two more numbers.

1.5) 1814 pledged delegates - the number required so that Obama only needs to hold his existing 210 superdelegates. This is likely not going to be achieved by the end of the race on June 3.

3) 1537 pledged delegates - the number required so that Obama only needs to get half of the remaining unassigned superdelegates. Obama will likely achieve this during the May primaries after Pennsylvania. These primaries, in order, are Guam then Indiana and North Carolina, then West Virginia then Kentucky and Oregon. If the campaign sets up the appropriate expectations in the press, it could be all over after North Carolina. North Carolina will likely put Obama over this number.

4) 1471 pledged delegates - the number required for Obama to go over the top without poaching Clintons existing 242 superdelegates. In other words, if Obama convinces all the rest of the superdelegates to vote for him and none of Clintons superdelegates move, he would have access to 553 superdelegates to put him over the top. It is possible that Obama could achieve this after Pennsylvania.

5) 1229 pledged delegates - the number required by either campaign to achieve 2024 by getting a unanimous decision by ALL the superdelegates. Both campaigns are already there. Both campaigns, ironically, went over the top on this number after the March 4th primaries. Since neither campaign can PREVENT the other campaign from achieving this number, there is no reason for either side to withdraw. In fact, it is a moot point because if one of the campaigns had enough to prevent the other side from getting this, they would be at 2025 anyway. The wonders of math.

Now, lets look at the timing of this thing.

Obama will likely achieve threshold 4) after Pennsylvania, but Clinton will not be able to say the same thing until after Kentucky and Oregon on May 20th. This give Obama almost a month to rub in the point that she can not win without my superdelegates, but I can win without hers. Clinton presently needs only 1439 for her threshold 4).

Now, after a few weeks of this, Obama will likely go over threshold 3) before Clinton crosses her threshold 4). This will be major bragging rights. Clinton will not be able to win without poaching his super delegates, but Obama can win with only HALF of the remaining superdelegates. This will be the period where Clinton will likely be forced to withdraw if there has not been a major change in the campaign landscape.

This crossover will likely be achieved for Obama after North Carolina.

So, this blogger so predicts, that the Clinton campaign will be forced to withdraw from the fight in the second week in May. This is assuming that Obama does not win Pennsylvania on April 22nd.

I guess the larger point of this blog is that the Democratic Party unwittingly created a complicated series of thresholds by adding in these crazy wild card superdelegates. Since we can not predict how they will behave at the convention, the only hard number that matters is 2024. The trouble is, that since the total number of pledged delegates is 3253 this is A LOT HARDER TO GET!!!

Basically, any candidate must get over 62% of all the pledged delegates in order to lock away the nomination before the convention. This can be compared to the Republican case where they only need to get 50%. This creates a smoother campaign, and a much easier process at the convention.


Think of this in a historical context (and this is all from the wiki, by the way).

The first National Democratic convention was held in 1832. That is when they created the DISASTROUS 2/3 rule for the nomination process. Candidates had to get over 66% of the delegates, so it became really really hard to WIN the nomination, but really really easy to STOP someone from getting the nomination.

This rule was waved in the 1835 and 1840 conventions because it everyone realized that it was STUPID, and was brought back in 1844 by opponents of Van Buren, so that they could STOP HIM. So, the roots of this rule go way back in stopping the democratic will of Democratic party voters.

The crazy Democrats kept this stupid rule for the next hundred years. It was used, for example, to deadlock the 1924 convention and produce a compromise candidate that no one liked and lost huge to the Republicans that year. Starting to ring a bell?

They finally drop the 2/3 craziness in 1936 during the re-nomination of Roosevelt. Hmmm, seems to me that the Democrats won a lot of elections after that...

So, it seems, bad ideas die hard. The sneaky Democrats brought the rule back in another form after the chaos of the Seventees. Good job there. You really won a lot of general elections since then, losers. By creating these "superdelegates", that can not be pinned down until the convention, they force the prospective nominees to get over 62% of the elected delegates or essentially go to the convention hat in hand, begging for the good graces of the superdelegates to bestow legitimacy on the nominee.

What a crazy and self destructive system. In fact, it is a system that seems only good for the situation that we see before us now. The Democrats essentially have a winner, but the stupid convention rules create a system where his opponent will not drop out (because neither side can secure 62%), and he can not unite the party. This almost guarantees a weaker general election candidate, and a more likely loss in the general to the Republicans. Good one, guys.


I'm even going to go one step further in making fun of the Democratic Party.

Lets consider the possibility that the Democrats made all their states winner take all. Would that solve their problem? No. Both sides would STILL not have 2024 EVEN THEN!!!

Obama would have only 1309, and Clinton would have a large lead at 1834. But the point is that even after winning all those big states, AND making them give ALL their delegates to Clinton with winner take all rules, she would still not be over the 2024 threshold. The Democrats have screwed themselves with these dumb superdelegates.

Big Time!

They almost guarantee a weak general election candidate if there is any contention in the primaries at all.

I reiterate a point from a previous post. If the Democrats can not unite behind Obama and win the general election, they should disband as a political party. At least Obama would have a chance of winning the nomination of the party that rises up to replace them.

Real Obama Momentum

I created this chart to show how overwhelming the Obama momentum has been since Super Tuesday.

The percentage of the remaining delegates that the Clinton Campaign must win has gone inexorably up since Super Tuesday. Here is the chart...

Puerto Rico Will Put Obama Over The Top

This is how it would go... if the democrats, or the Obama camp were smarter about spin right now. They could play it like this...

The real magic number is of pledged delegates 1627, not 2024. Here is why...

As is commonly held belief, the required number of delegates required in order to gain the democratic nomination and avoid a protracted convention or pre-convention fight, is 2024. Since the number of pledged delegates is 3253, and the number of superdelegates is 794 the grand total voting members of the convention is 4047. By conventional theory, 2024 is over half the total number of delegates, thus guaranteeing that the superdelegates can not rob this side of the nomination. But this is only in the case of a scenario where the pledged delegates may be at odds with the tendencies of the superdelegates.

But lets not think that way. Lets think of it as a real democratic contest. A contest where only the pledged delegates matter and the superdelegates understand the risk of overturning the convention majority. In this case, the real number of pledged delegates necessary to ensure this majority would be over half of 3253, or 1627. In this case, the superdelegates would have to overturn the will of the majority of the pledged delegates in order to prevent this candidate from getting the nomination. Lets take it on faith that this would only be done in the case of extreme circumstances like a crazy surprise that makes the candidate's viability doubtful. In the case of Clinton, this could be her tax returns, in the case of Obama, it could be a number of things.

Since the Obama campaign has so far accumulated 1385 pledged delegates (by their count, 1321 according to CNN, 1366 according to MSNBC and Reuters) he needs a total of 242 (or slightly more) in order to achieve this majority.

This the magic number that the Obama camp should be talking about.

1627 is the real number for victory being assured (virtually) at the convention in August. This will likely be won by the Obama campaign after the Puerto Rico Primary on June 1st.

Thus, Obama will get an extra two months, from June to the convention to hit McCain and the republicans. This is far superior to the alternative which is a convention fight.

1627 for victory!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Democratic Party Should Disband

For once in my life, I find myself agreeing with Tucker Carlson.

On his show today, he said something that I have been thinking for quite some time.

Here it is.

If the Democratic Party can't win the election this year, shouldn't they just pack it up and go home?

He's right.

With supposedly the worst president in history leaving office, and his now-admitted successor as the nominee of the Republican Party, the Democrats are finding new ways everyday to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

With the now interminable leadership campaign sucking all the money and enthusiasm out of the most ardent supporters, by the time they actually choose a leader they are ensuring that they have battered them to the point of being useless.

Good job Democrats.

What is wrong with you?

You are blowing it again, and the country will not forgive you forever!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Math is too hard for MSNBC

Just to keep on this point.

MSNBC has still not gotten back to me on this, and I have no evidence that they intend to ever correct their error, or learn how to count.

The issue was not lost on the people from ABC. They, it seems can do math, even if their friends at MSNBC can not.

They noted right away that Obama would be 47 if he was inaugurated and would be the FIFTH youngest president not third FIFTH. OLDER THAN BILL CLINTON.

Got it, MSNBC? FIFTH youngest!!!