Monday, March 12, 2007

Why? Chuck, Why?

Senator Chuck Hagel put off his bid to run for president today, according to the new york times.

Here are a few good excerpts of his comments that hit the nail on the head and show that... should he run, he's got his head in the right place.

“The political currents in America are more unpredictable today than at any time in modern history,” Mr. Hagel said. “We are experiencing a political re-orientation, a redefining and moving toward a new political center of gravity.”

He added: “This movement is bigger than both parties. The need to solve problems and meet challenges is overtaking the ideological debates of the last three decades — as it should. America is demanding honest, competent and accountable governance.”

“America stands at an historic crossroads in its history,” Mr. Hagel said. “It is against this backdrop that I find myself at my own crossroads on my political future.”

These quotes are taken from the new york times article of JEFF ZELENY Published: March 12, 2007

He is clearly aware of the seismic shift that is about to occur in American politics. But will he be a player?

A more important question is whether the republican party will be left behind. Like a trapeze artist, the GOP must grab for a better, larger constituency - disaffected fiscal conservatives, non-lefty greens (a growing group), or small government social moderates... just as they are leaping away from their old war hammer - the religious right. Can they do it all at once? Yes. The GOP was founded on a previous such great revolution, and it is smart enough and strong enough to leap again. If it doesn't, it will take more than one election cycle to make them viable again.

Here is another question... Does Chuck know something we don't?
Did someone talk to him and possibly convince him not to run given the strength of a present candidacy? Keep the ears open.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Interestingly, Hagel launched a new official campaign website today:

It looks like Hagel is still laying the ground work for a possible run in 2008, but it looks like he honestly wants to focus on Iraq and other issues in the Senate rather than campaigning across the nation right now.

You're right about the shift within the GOP. Hagel would fit the bill perfectly.