Monday, November 12, 2007

Obama's secret weapon - Michigan

Barack Obama has publicly pulled out of the Michigan primary due to the fight between the state and federal Democrats.
Michigan moved its primary to January 15th. This upsets the federal party and, like Florida, puts its delegates at risk IF the candidate campaigns there.

Quite some time ago, I thought that this was not a smart move.
Michigan is a blue collar state with many African-Americans, and would normally be a great state for Obama to pick up early.
Even if the federal party took away his delegates, it would be a great symbolic victory.

Also, let us not forget, that Jesse Jackson won that state in 1988 by 55%.

So why did Obama let it go, possibly to the famous front runner that would undoubtedly have an advantage due to national poll position?

Maybe. Just maybe. He didn't.

Jesse Jackson Jr. is a strong supporter of the Obama campaign.
Jesse Jackson Sr., the winner of the state in '88, is a supporter, but less vocal.

There is evidence that the Jackson machine may be assisting the Obama campaign, on the sly, in the Wolverine state.

This would be an enormous benefit to the campaign if they pull it off.
Not only would it be a surprise victory early in the primary season, but Obama would keep all the delegates because he had not personally campaigned there.

If its true, I said it first.

Watch for it on the 15th!

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