Friday, February 15, 2008

Super Delegate List Number One

It struck me that the super delegates are getting a lot of attention of late. It also struck me that - aside from a handful of the them - I had no idea who they were.
Well... after a few minutes of web surfing (yes its sad, we all get all our information this way don't we?) I found a reasonable verifiable list.

The list can be found at

The lead right now for Clinton over Obama is approximately 80 or so. Now, the Clinton strength is clearly in Arkansas, New York and California, but it includes many areas that seem to be places where pressure could be brought to bare. Here is a brief list of District of Columbia super delegates that are for the Clinton candidacy...

DNC Mary Eva Candon (DC)

DNC Yolanda Caraway (DC)

DNC Hartina Flournoy (DC)

DNC Harold Ickes (DC)

DNC Ben Johnson (DC)

DNC Eric Kleinfeld (DC)

DNC Minyon Moore (DC)

DNC Elizabeth Smith (DC)

DNC Marilyn Tyler Brown (DC)

Is everyone here on this list still positive that Hillary Clinton would make the best general election candidate? Even given the 50 point trouncing that Obama took in the DC primary?

1 comment:

V Cubed said...

Harold Ickes isn't so sure anymore, and that Johnson fella too, I think, have both flipped and given their vote to Barack!