Friday, December 28, 2007

In the final days: Remember that the They is You

Whatever happens in Iowa this year, the Barack Obama campaign has changed American politics.

An African-American is running as a healing, centrist, anti-war candidate amid two traditional left wing panderers.

At this point, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on what the experience has taught me about this country.

As the race has progressed over the summer and fall, I heard many things that both inspired me about the character of this land, and heard other things that came close to dashing my hopes.

I made a point of asking many people about Obama and trying to get their honest opinion. What I heard from people that were not politically informed was curious, hopeful and sometimes disheartening.

Many said that they liked him. Many said that it would be great to see a principled man like him in the White House.

Quite often though, the statement I got was "He's great, but they'll never let a black man become president".

At first, I was shocked. I didn't know what to think. Was this a way of hiding latent racist fears and using "Them" to excuse the statement? Maybe, maybe not. More often than not this statement came from African-Americans. So what did it mean...? That the hopes of a group of people have been so systematically dashed over the ages that hoping itself is almost nonexistent? Perhaps.

My only response to this kind of sentiment is that there is no "They" unless you create them. Last time I checked, we still live in a democracy. Last time I checked, if you pull the lever, or raise your hand at a caucus, they MUST count you.

My only response is that if you let the fear, or a concept of "They" determine your actions, or prevent you from being counted then you are the "They". You have created your own nightmare and you deserve the government and society that you get.

This does not apply to any single cultural group. It applies to all of us. It applies to the college students that still have a glimmer of hope, but might just need to see the Orange bowl that day. It applies to the liberal anti-war couple in Iowa that decides its cool to vote for Kucinich despite any rational strategic thought. It applies to the Reagan Democrat that knows they will stay at home rather than voting for a Republican or a tragic pander-bear the Democrats keep throwing at them. It applies to everyone that allowed themselves to imagine a new era of government, or at the very least, a new face of America to the world but couldn't get of the couch because they didn't believe that "They" would ever let it happen.



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